Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Climate Challenge Fund meeting Thursday 20th, 7pm in Room 13

The School Council is looking to make an application for funding to the Climate Challenge Fund.
The Climate Challenge Fund offers grants to a range of community organisations to help with the planning, learning, communication and most importantly, action to reduce carbon emissions. The projects can involve a range of actions, from helping us to use less energy, or walk and cycle more, to local sustainable food. The projects should be delivered in the context of the wider environmental, social and economic dimensions, that give people new skills, improve health, help them to work together or provide better community facilities, but carbon reduction must be at the heart of every proposal.
To help us develop an application that gets the best for the Sciennes community we are looking for volunteers to help us by:
· lending either professional advice and guidance (e.g. on environmental issues or in making funding applications);
· bringing enthusiasm into a small group who will develop and submit the bid;
· coming forward with ideas which help us to ensure the bid considers all of the areas in which it could benefit the School community.

The first meeting to kick start the process will be in the School on 20th November at 7pm. You are welcome to come along either to this meeting only to find out more about the Climate Challenge Fund and to contribute your ideas, or if you want to volunteer to be part of an going Climate Challenge group.
You can find out more about the Climate Challenge Fund here: is more information about Climate Change produced by the World Development Council, a paper on Climate Change Controversies by the Royal Society and details of the projects which have been awarded funding by the Climate Challenge Fund so far at: help us with numbers, please email if you intend to come along.