Friday, 5 September 2008

P7 Hermitage Visits

  • P7a Tuesday 10am -2pm
  • P7B Wednesday 10am-2pm
  • P7C Thursday 10am-2pm
If you have them, please bring wellington boots and a waterproof jacket. Packed lunches needed. If you have paid for a school lunch, a school packed lunch can be ordered for the trip.

P6 Cycle Training

P6C cycle training on Tuesday from 9.30-11.30 and P6B from 1.20-3.20. P6A training on Wednesday from 9.30-11.30. Please make sure tyres are well inflated and remember to bring a cycle helmet.


OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES - start week beginning Monday 8th September and will run until Friday 17th October

INDOOR ACTIVITIES - start week beginning Tuesday 16th September and will run until Friday 5th December

Class lists will be posted on school noticeboard on Friday 5th September

Thursday, 4 September 2008

P1 Family Lunch

P1 family lunch tomorrow. P1A 11.30, P1B 11.45 and P1C 12.00. This is a relaxed way to introduce your child to school lunches. Beef casserole, macaroni, carrot cake and custard and melon and grape suprise will be on offer. All welcome. Cost per child £1.75 and adult £2.25.


Please do not leave bikes or scooters in the playground overnight. Several bikes and scooters have been stolen from the playground despite being locked to bike racks and railings. Ifyou are unable to take a bike or scooter home, please speak with the Janitor or Business Manager and they will arrange to put it in a safe place overnight.

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Help Wanted

P7 are visiting the Hermitage on Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th September. Adult helpers are needed for this all day trip. If you can help please contact the P7 teachers or staff at reception.

School Lunches

School lunches are ordered on a Thursday for the following week. Cost is £1.75 per day. Monies should be sent to school in an envelope together with a ticked menu sheet. Your child's name and class should be clearly marked. Cheques are payable to City of Edinburgh Council. Menu sheets will be sent home every Wednesday. Week beginning September 8th is Week 1 Menu. If your child is in receipt of free school meals please return a completed menu sheet every Thursday.