Monday, 29 September 2008


Staff invite pupils to join them in celebrating Jeans for Genes Day on Friday 3rd October. By wearing jeans to school our intention is to highlight the cause of genetic research and the charity’s work for children with genetic disorders. £1 donations will be welcomed but are entirely voluntary.

Benmore Meeting

P6 parents are invited to a meeting in the school hall on Friday 3rd October at 12.00.

Books Glorious Books!

Our School Book Fair is here once again and runs from Monday, 6th October – Thursday, 9th October in the school Library. A flyer highlighting some of the many fiction and non-fiction titles, details of when your child’s class will visit the Book Fair and other opening times, will be sent home on Tuesday 30th September.
The Book Fair gives you an ideal opportunity to do some early and stress-free Christmas shopping for family and friends. An array of picture books, information books, bestsellers, classic novels, sports, hobbies, biography, Christmas books and stocking fillers are just some of the many items available.
Please look out for our “Donate a book to the Library” table, featuring new books we would love to see on our shelves. The books we present are our suggestions only and, of course, any Book Fair titles that you, or your child, feel would be enjoyed by our library users would be welcome.
Your continued generosity and support of this scheme continues to be much appreciated by the school.
We look forward to welcoming “old” friends and “new” friends to the Book Fair.
See you there!

James Gillespies High School: Invitation to School Council Meeting

Our next monthly School Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7th October, 7pm at James Gillespie's High School. We discuss or have a presentation each month on different relevant topics. Following suggestions from parents, we are aiming to convene a discussion and open forum on the School Dress Code. Did you know that there is a dress code? What do you think of these issues?
We hope to generate an informed discussion on the topic and to seek views of a range of invited representatives from different groups within our community, including:
Associated Primary Schools
Teachers from within JGHS
Pupil representatives from JGHS
Community council representatives from across the catchment area
Parents from JGHS
We hope that you will be able to attend or send a representative along to this meeting. The evening starts with coffee at 7.00 with the meeting convened at 7.15.

Link to the Code -