Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Thursday, 11 December 2008
P3 Recipe Books
Primary three classes have produced a wonderful recipe book with over 90 family recipes. It has been produced as part of their Health and Wellbeing Project. The children decided to use part of the profits to make a donation to Oxfam.
It is very reasonably priced at £4.00 and would make a great present for family and friends.
P1 Nativity

Parents/Carers - Primary 1 classes have just finished their last rehearsal and you are in for a treat. An added bonus this year is that the whole show will be filmed. One of our parents is bringing in a team of professional cameramen who will record and produce a DVD. The quality of recording is fabulous so leave your videos at home and sit back and enjoy the show.
If you have not already ordered your DVDs there's still time. It makes a great Christmas present.
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
To P7 athletes who came 2nd in the EPSSA Sportshall Final 2008 held at Meadowbank and will represent Edinburgh in the Inter Area Finals on 9th March 2009
To the P6 skiers who won the Novice Trophy at Hillend
To the P6 skiers who won the Novice Trophy at Hillend
Party Time at Sciennes
- Thursday 18th, 1.30-2.50. Parents may collect their children at 12 noon to take them home to change. At 2.30, parents are welcome to come and see Santa.
P2 Party
- Wednesday 17th, 1.30-2.50. Parents may collect their children at 12 noon to take them home to change. At 2.30, parents are welcome to come and see Santa.
P3 Party - Tuesday 16th, pm
P4 Party - Monday 15th, 1.30 with Magician
P5 Party - Monday 15th, morning with Magician
P6 Party - Thursday 18th, morning
P7 Party - Thursday 18th, morning
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Post box
P5B have set up a post box for all the classes to post their Christmas cards .We will be sorting them and delivering them to the right classes. Please could you make sure that the name and class of the person is on the envelope. Thank you for your support!
Lagganlia - Lost Property
There are a number of lost property items in the Conference room including towels, a jacket, walking shoes, warm gloves and a toilet bag. If you think any of these items belong to your P7 child please ask them to come and check the bags
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Monday, 1 December 2008
Christmas Fair
Thanks to all the donors, helpers and visitors to Saturdays Fair. The total raised is in excess of £3,000. Fabulous!
We are still looking for the 2nd prize winner for the raffle. The ticket number was 203, the ticket colour pink and the serial no. 951886. If you are in receipt of this ticket please contact the school.
We are still looking for the 2nd prize winner for the raffle. The ticket number was 203, the ticket colour pink and the serial no. 951886. If you are in receipt of this ticket please contact the school.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
School Photographs
Please Note: Monday is the last day the school can accept photograph orders.
Parents can order directly from Tempest after this date.
Parents can order directly from Tempest after this date.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Lyceum Visit
Children in P3 -P7 will be walking to the Lyceum to see The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We will be leaving promptly at 9am.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Comenius Project
Ms Gallagher, Mrs Gibb, Mrs Murray and Ms Christie received a wonderful welcome from the children of Newton National School, County Laoise.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
P1 Enrolment
Catchment Area Enrolment - Wednesday 26th November, 9.00-10.30am and 1.30-3.00pm
Out of Catchment Requests - Thursday 27th November, Presentation and Tour from 9.00-10.00am
Out of Catchment Requests - Thursday 27th November, Presentation and Tour from 9.00-10.00am
Climate Challenge Fund meeting Thursday 20th, 7pm in Room 13
The School Council is looking to make an application for funding to the Climate Challenge Fund.
The Climate Challenge Fund offers grants to a range of community organisations to help with the planning, learning, communication and most importantly, action to reduce carbon emissions. The projects can involve a range of actions, from helping us to use less energy, or walk and cycle more, to local sustainable food. The projects should be delivered in the context of the wider environmental, social and economic dimensions, that give people new skills, improve health, help them to work together or provide better community facilities, but carbon reduction must be at the heart of every proposal.
To help us develop an application that gets the best for the Sciennes community we are looking for volunteers to help us by:
· lending either professional advice and guidance (e.g. on environmental issues or in making funding applications);
· bringing enthusiasm into a small group who will develop and submit the bid;
· coming forward with ideas which help us to ensure the bid considers all of the areas in which it could benefit the School community.
The first meeting to kick start the process will be in the School on 20th November at 7pm. You are welcome to come along either to this meeting only to find out more about the Climate Challenge Fund and to contribute your ideas, or if you want to volunteer to be part of an going Climate Challenge group.
You can find out more about the Climate Challenge Fund here: is more information about Climate Change produced by the World Development Council, a paper on Climate Change Controversies by the Royal Society and details of the projects which have been awarded funding by the Climate Challenge Fund so far at: help us with numbers, please email if you intend to come along.
The Climate Challenge Fund offers grants to a range of community organisations to help with the planning, learning, communication and most importantly, action to reduce carbon emissions. The projects can involve a range of actions, from helping us to use less energy, or walk and cycle more, to local sustainable food. The projects should be delivered in the context of the wider environmental, social and economic dimensions, that give people new skills, improve health, help them to work together or provide better community facilities, but carbon reduction must be at the heart of every proposal.
To help us develop an application that gets the best for the Sciennes community we are looking for volunteers to help us by:
· lending either professional advice and guidance (e.g. on environmental issues or in making funding applications);
· bringing enthusiasm into a small group who will develop and submit the bid;
· coming forward with ideas which help us to ensure the bid considers all of the areas in which it could benefit the School community.
The first meeting to kick start the process will be in the School on 20th November at 7pm. You are welcome to come along either to this meeting only to find out more about the Climate Challenge Fund and to contribute your ideas, or if you want to volunteer to be part of an going Climate Challenge group.
You can find out more about the Climate Challenge Fund here: is more information about Climate Change produced by the World Development Council, a paper on Climate Change Controversies by the Royal Society and details of the projects which have been awarded funding by the Climate Challenge Fund so far at: help us with numbers, please email if you intend to come along.
Christmas Fair - Free Entry for Children
The Event and Clubs Group (ECG) want to encourage all families to attend the Sciennes Christmas Fair on Saturday 29th November 2 – 4pm and have dropped the £1 child entry fee. If you have already sent in fees for children you will be reimbursed. Entry tickets cost £2 per adult which includes a cup of tea/coffee/juice and a mince pie.
We need your Help! The following items can be delivered to the school from Monday 24th onwards:-
Bottles for the tombola
Books, videos, DVD’s, CD’s, toys (good quality items only)
Box of mince pies for teas
Please send on Friday 28th
Lucky Dip items, value 50p, labelled girl or boy please
Home Baking
Need a Little Magic in your Life? Remember to order your tickets for the Magic Show.
Silent Auction - contact Emma Laurenson on 0131 667 0739 with offers of items or services
If you are able to volunteer to do a half hour stint on the day, either return the volunteer slip or call June Underwood 0131 668 3932
We need your Help! The following items can be delivered to the school from Monday 24th onwards:-
Bottles for the tombola
Books, videos, DVD’s, CD’s, toys (good quality items only)
Box of mince pies for teas
Please send on Friday 28th
Lucky Dip items, value 50p, labelled girl or boy please
Home Baking
Need a Little Magic in your Life? Remember to order your tickets for the Magic Show.
Silent Auction - contact Emma Laurenson on 0131 667 0739 with offers of items or services
If you are able to volunteer to do a half hour stint on the day, either return the volunteer slip or call June Underwood 0131 668 3932
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Starsnappers Workshops
Today your child will be bringing home a consent form for Starsnappers Portrait Workshop.
This workshop is part of the biggest arts projects ever held in the UK and will be breaking the Guinness World Record for the largest photographic exhibition ever. The children will be snapping each other using professional digital cameras. Please return the consent forms by tomorrow (Friday 14th)
This workshop is part of the biggest arts projects ever held in the UK and will be breaking the Guinness World Record for the largest photographic exhibition ever. The children will be snapping each other using professional digital cameras. Please return the consent forms by tomorrow (Friday 14th)
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Lunch Menus
Lunch menus will now be sent home every Tuesday. Lunch money and completed menus will still be collected on Thursdays as usual.
Monday, 10 November 2008
FACe is a brand new electronic newsletter especially for parents. It has been set up and developed in response to requests from parents for more direct communications with Children and Families.
Monday, 3 November 2008
P3 Dance Show
Don't forget!
P3 Dance Show on Friday at 11.00am which promises to be another spectacular production.
P3 Dance Show on Friday at 11.00am which promises to be another spectacular production.
Christmas Present Ideas
Individual and sibling photograph sessions taking place on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th November. Class timetable will be issued this week.
Friday, 24 October 2008
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Nearly New School Uniform Sale 7th November
The Parent Council will be holding their next school uniform sale on Friday 7 November at 12 noon and would be grateful for any items in good condition that your children have now outgrown (washed & ironed, please!) Kindly hand them in to Angela Christie, conference room, marked ‘Parent Council’ and they will be passed on. Thank you for all your donations to date.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Holiday Activities
Essential Edinburgh is holding a free family event, "Little Big Rock" in Castle Street on Sunday 19th & Monday 20th October. This will feature story telling by well-known children's authors, comedy, puppetry and much more, all undercover in a large teepee. All activities in "Little Big Roack" are free and a number of businesses in the city centre are also participating in the day.
More information on school noticeboard.
More information on school noticeboard.
School Council
Remember to check out
There are minutes from the last Council meeting, two opportunities for parents to feedback their views to the City Council and a reminder of this week’s JGHS Parent Council meeting.
Sciennes School council meeting this week at 7.00pm in staffroom.
All Welcome
There are minutes from the last Council meeting, two opportunities for parents to feedback their views to the City Council and a reminder of this week’s JGHS Parent Council meeting.
Sciennes School council meeting this week at 7.00pm in staffroom.
All Welcome
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Friday 17th October at Meggetland Sports Complex
2-4pm with coaching 2.30-3.30pm
The Calcutta Cup, awarded to the winner of the annual Scotland vs. England rugby match during the 6 Nations Rugby Championships is coming to Edinburgh!! The cup was won by Scotland during last year’s 15-9 victory against England at Murrayfield and in partnership with the Scottish Rugby Union, Active Schools is giving you a chance to see and get your photograph taken with one of rugby’s most famous trophies.
The cup will be at Meggetland Sports Complex between 2-4pm on Friday 17th October. Opportunities will be available for photographs with the cup between 2-2.30pm and 3.30-4pm. There will also be a free “come and try” session of rugby between 2.30-3.30pm on the back pitches, with all P5-7’s welcome to attend. All you need are your trainers, jogging bottoms, a drink and your camera. Mums and Dads are more than welcome too!!
If you have any questions or queries regarding this or any other Active Schools activity, please contact me on the number or email below.
Gael Logan
Active Schools Coordinator
2-4pm with coaching 2.30-3.30pm
The Calcutta Cup, awarded to the winner of the annual Scotland vs. England rugby match during the 6 Nations Rugby Championships is coming to Edinburgh!! The cup was won by Scotland during last year’s 15-9 victory against England at Murrayfield and in partnership with the Scottish Rugby Union, Active Schools is giving you a chance to see and get your photograph taken with one of rugby’s most famous trophies.
The cup will be at Meggetland Sports Complex between 2-4pm on Friday 17th October. Opportunities will be available for photographs with the cup between 2-2.30pm and 3.30-4pm. There will also be a free “come and try” session of rugby between 2.30-3.30pm on the back pitches, with all P5-7’s welcome to attend. All you need are your trainers, jogging bottoms, a drink and your camera. Mums and Dads are more than welcome too!!
If you have any questions or queries regarding this or any other Active Schools activity, please contact me on the number or email below.
Gael Logan
Active Schools Coordinator
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Dates for your Diary

P2 Nativity performance has been changed to Wednesday 10th December, 1.45-2.45
Both performances will take place in the school hall.
Party dates (TBC)
Mon 15 - P5 AM, P4 PM
Tues 16 -P3 PM
Wed 17 - P2 PM
Thurs 18 - P6 AM, P7 AM, P1 PM
P6 Cycle Training
Cycle training has now come to an end and despite some very wet days the children all made great progress. A big thank you to volunteers Cathy Scott, Alison Platts, Martin Richards, Isobel Walker, Shona Bellward, Pam Billina, Morag Hayes, Katy Aukland and Vivienne Pritchett without whom cycle training would not have been so successful.
The P5’s have been getting to grips with their cricket skills this term, through a block of Kwik Cricket taster sessions in the school playground on Mondays and Wednesdays this term. The sessions have been coached by Bill Polson, from the Edinburgh South Cricket Club based at the Inch, and current Scotland cricketer and City of Edinburgh cricket development officer Gordon Drummond.
The pupils have participated in 6 weeks of coaching, starting with fun relay races and hand eye coordination games before progressing onto basic bowling and batting skills and then more advanced batting and fielding. Each session culminates in a mini game, with the pupils testing their skills against each other, which always ends up very competitive and closely fought!
The taster sessions have been hugely popular with the pupils and many thanks must go to Bill and Gordon for all their help and hard work over the block and also for their gift of a Kwik Cricket set to the school to ensure cricket continues during PE.
If your child is interested in participating in cricket on a regular basis, or you would like to find out more information on Kwik Cricket or the Edinburgh South Cricket Club, please contact Bill at or on 0131 620 8716. Alternatively, for cricket opportunities across the city, please contact Gordon Drummond at or on 07771666614.
We are currently looking at starting a Sciennes Cricket team started after Christmas to compete in the new national primary school cricket competition, kicking off in term 3, so watch this space or contact Active Schools Coordinator Gael Logan at or on 07799861473 for more information.
The pupils have participated in 6 weeks of coaching, starting with fun relay races and hand eye coordination games before progressing onto basic bowling and batting skills and then more advanced batting and fielding. Each session culminates in a mini game, with the pupils testing their skills against each other, which always ends up very competitive and closely fought!
The taster sessions have been hugely popular with the pupils and many thanks must go to Bill and Gordon for all their help and hard work over the block and also for their gift of a Kwik Cricket set to the school to ensure cricket continues during PE.
If your child is interested in participating in cricket on a regular basis, or you would like to find out more information on Kwik Cricket or the Edinburgh South Cricket Club, please contact Bill at or on 0131 620 8716. Alternatively, for cricket opportunities across the city, please contact Gordon Drummond at or on 07771666614.
We are currently looking at starting a Sciennes Cricket team started after Christmas to compete in the new national primary school cricket competition, kicking off in term 3, so watch this space or contact Active Schools Coordinator Gael Logan at or on 07799861473 for more information.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Parent Consultations
The ECG will be providing tea and coffee and there will be homemade jam and the Autumn quiz for sale. Teachers will be handing out e-mail update sheets. If you wish to receive communications electronically please complete these forms and put in box beside tea and coffee stall or send into school with your child during the remainder of this week.
We will also have sheets displayed for class contact lists. Many parents find it helpful to have contact details for the other children in their child's class. If you would like to be included on these lists please add your details. This information is voluntary and will be shared across the class. The lists will be displayed on a table outside the hall.
We will also have sheets displayed for class contact lists. Many parents find it helpful to have contact details for the other children in their child's class. If you would like to be included on these lists please add your details. This information is voluntary and will be shared across the class. The lists will be displayed on a table outside the hall.
Sciennes After School Care Scheme
Sciennes After School Care Scheme has a vacancy for a bookeeper/admin person for 8 hours per week.
The suitable person will need experience using Sage accounts package, and be confident using Microsoft Office (mostly Word and Excel).
There can be some flexibility around when the hours are worked, however please be aware that the scheme also operates during school holiday time.
For more information, please contact Sonia in the scheme office ( dining
hall) or by phone on 0131 662 4810
The suitable person will need experience using Sage accounts package, and be confident using Microsoft Office (mostly Word and Excel).
There can be some flexibility around when the hours are worked, however please be aware that the scheme also operates during school holiday time.
For more information, please contact Sonia in the scheme office ( dining
hall) or by phone on 0131 662 4810
Monday, 29 September 2008
Staff invite pupils to join them in celebrating Jeans for Genes Day on Friday 3rd October. By wearing jeans to school our intention is to highlight the cause of genetic research and the charity’s work for children with genetic disorders. £1 donations will be welcomed but are entirely voluntary.
Benmore Meeting
P6 parents are invited to a meeting in the school hall on Friday 3rd October at 12.00.
Books Glorious Books!
Our School Book Fair is here once again and runs from Monday, 6th October – Thursday, 9th October in the school Library. A flyer highlighting some of the many fiction and non-fiction titles, details of when your child’s class will visit the Book Fair and other opening times, will be sent home on Tuesday 30th September.
The Book Fair gives you an ideal opportunity to do some early and stress-free Christmas shopping for family and friends. An array of picture books, information books, bestsellers, classic novels, sports, hobbies, biography, Christmas books and stocking fillers are just some of the many items available.
Please look out for our “Donate a book to the Library” table, featuring new books we would love to see on our shelves. The books we present are our suggestions only and, of course, any Book Fair titles that you, or your child, feel would be enjoyed by our library users would be welcome.
Your continued generosity and support of this scheme continues to be much appreciated by the school.
We look forward to welcoming “old” friends and “new” friends to the Book Fair.
See you there!
The Book Fair gives you an ideal opportunity to do some early and stress-free Christmas shopping for family and friends. An array of picture books, information books, bestsellers, classic novels, sports, hobbies, biography, Christmas books and stocking fillers are just some of the many items available.
Please look out for our “Donate a book to the Library” table, featuring new books we would love to see on our shelves. The books we present are our suggestions only and, of course, any Book Fair titles that you, or your child, feel would be enjoyed by our library users would be welcome.
Your continued generosity and support of this scheme continues to be much appreciated by the school.
We look forward to welcoming “old” friends and “new” friends to the Book Fair.
See you there!
James Gillespies High School: Invitation to School Council Meeting
Our next monthly School Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7th October, 7pm at James Gillespie's High School. We discuss or have a presentation each month on different relevant topics. Following suggestions from parents, we are aiming to convene a discussion and open forum on the School Dress Code. Did you know that there is a dress code? What do you think of these issues?
We hope to generate an informed discussion on the topic and to seek views of a range of invited representatives from different groups within our community, including:
Associated Primary Schools
Teachers from within JGHS
Pupil representatives from JGHS
Community council representatives from across the catchment area
Parents from JGHS
We hope that you will be able to attend or send a representative along to this meeting. The evening starts with coffee at 7.00 with the meeting convened at 7.15.
Link to the Code -
We hope to generate an informed discussion on the topic and to seek views of a range of invited representatives from different groups within our community, including:
Associated Primary Schools
Teachers from within JGHS
Pupil representatives from JGHS
Community council representatives from across the catchment area
Parents from JGHS
We hope that you will be able to attend or send a representative along to this meeting. The evening starts with coffee at 7.00 with the meeting convened at 7.15.
Link to the Code -
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Friday, 19 September 2008
Industrial Action Wednesday 24th September
School will be open on Wednesday. Lunches will be served as usual.
P4B Change of Date
Please note, due to Industrial Action at the Museum on Tuesday 23rd, P4B will be visiting on Wednesday afternoon and not Tuesday morning as originally planned. If you are able to help with this outing please contact the class teacher.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Events/Outings week beginning 22nd September
Museum Visit - P4A Monday morning, P4B Tuesday morning, P4C Wednesday morning
Hockey Festival Peffermill - P6 classes Thursday 9.30-12.00.
Cycle Training - P6 classes Tuesday and Wednesday
Fischy Music visit for P2 and P3 on Thursday morning
Hockey Festival Peffermill - P6 classes Thursday 9.30-12.00.
Cycle Training - P6 classes Tuesday and Wednesday
Fischy Music visit for P2 and P3 on Thursday morning
Lunch Money
Next week is Week 3 lunch menu. Lunch money is due tomorrow (Thursday). Cost is £1.75 per day and money should be sent in an envelope together with a completed Week 3 menu sheet. If your child is in receipt of free school meals please complete a weekly menu sheet.
Parent Consultations
If you have not already returned your completed slip please do so by the end of this week. Appointment times will be sent home with homework on Tuesday 23rd September.
Friday, 12 September 2008
September Break
No school on Monday 15th September. All pupils return on Tuesday 16th at 8.50am. P1 children are in school until 2.50pm from Tuesday 16th.
No school on Monday 15th September. All pupils return on Tuesday 16th at 8.50am. P1 children are in school until 2.50pm from Tuesday 16th.
Parent Consultations
You should now have received Parent Consultation letters. Please complete these and return them to school by Wednesday 17th September.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Peter Shaw the Jam Man
Do you have any extra fruit in your garden? Peter Shaw, one of our parents, will use it up to make Jam which is then sold for school funds. Peter has done this for several years and raised a great deal of money for Sciennes.
If you can spare any produce please leave it at reception.
Thank you
If you can spare any produce please leave it at reception.
Thank you
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Produce from our Garden
Here are some of the lovely 'tatties' from our garden! The garden had grown like a jungle over the summer and we are delighted with our harvest. Any parent who can spare some time to help dig it over for the winter is welome to come into reception to volunteer their services. No previous experience necessary!
Scotland and Sciennes
We have been delighted with the wide variety of wonderful items and pictures sent in for our Comenius Boxes. Everything from school badges to a haggis whistle!
The children will enjoy choosing which items to include. We are sure too that they boys and girls in our partner countries will get great pleasure from upacking the boxes too!
Thank you for all your thoughtful choices.
The children will enjoy choosing which items to include. We are sure too that they boys and girls in our partner countries will get great pleasure from upacking the boxes too!
Thank you for all your thoughtful choices.
Wet Weather
This has been a typically wet Scottish summer and unfortunately the autumn is heading the same way.
Could we please remind you that pupils will go out for break and lunch unless it is very wet and they will need to bring coats to school. Last week the rain came on very heavily and suddenly while the children were already out playing and they were drenched waiting to get back into the building.
We believe it is better for the pupils to get out for a run around whenever possible. If they have rainjackets they will keep them warm and dry while they do this.
Could we please remind you that pupils will go out for break and lunch unless it is very wet and they will need to bring coats to school. Last week the rain came on very heavily and suddenly while the children were already out playing and they were drenched waiting to get back into the building.
We believe it is better for the pupils to get out for a run around whenever possible. If they have rainjackets they will keep them warm and dry while they do this.
Monday, 8 September 2008
Year Planner 2008-09 Additional Dates/Amendments
Parent Consultations 7th 4.00-7.00, and 9th 5.30-8.30.
ECG Committee Meeting 28th 7.30-9.00pm
ECG Christmas Fair Saturday 29th, 2-4pm
ECG Committee Meeting 13th 7.30-9.00pm
P4 Scots Night 12th
Benmore Residential for P6 9th to 13th
Events and Clubs Group (ECG) P4/5 Disco 6.30 to 8.00pm
ECG P6/7 Disco 7.00-8.30pm
ECG Committee Meeting 28th 7.30-9.00pm
ECG Summer Fair Saturday 6th 2-4pm
Sports Day 1st Choice 9th, 2nd Choice 16th
23rd/24th/25th High School Transition Days P7
23rd/24th/25th P1 Induction Days
Parent Consultations 7th 4.00-7.00, and 9th 5.30-8.30.
ECG Committee Meeting 28th 7.30-9.00pm
ECG Christmas Fair Saturday 29th, 2-4pm
ECG Committee Meeting 13th 7.30-9.00pm
P4 Scots Night 12th
Benmore Residential for P6 9th to 13th
Events and Clubs Group (ECG) P4/5 Disco 6.30 to 8.00pm
ECG P6/7 Disco 7.00-8.30pm
ECG Committee Meeting 28th 7.30-9.00pm
ECG Summer Fair Saturday 6th 2-4pm
Sports Day 1st Choice 9th, 2nd Choice 16th
23rd/24th/25th High School Transition Days P7
23rd/24th/25th P1 Induction Days
P1 Curriculum Evening and New Parents' Cheese and Wine
P1 Curriculum Evening 7-7.45pm will be followed by the Events and Clubs Group Cheese and Wine to which all new parents are invited. Please come along and find out more about the various parent groups which help support the school. We have the School Council, the fruit group, the clubs group and the second hand uniform group to name but a few.
School Council Meeting
First meeting of new session will be held in the staffroom at 7pm. All Welcome
Friday, 5 September 2008
P7 Hermitage Visits
P6 Cycle Training
P6C cycle training on Tuesday from 9.30-11.30 and P6B from 1.20-3.20. P6A training on Wednesday from 9.30-11.30. Please make sure tyres are well inflated and remember to bring a cycle helmet.
OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES - start week beginning Monday 8th September and will run until Friday 17th October
INDOOR ACTIVITIES - start week beginning Tuesday 16th September and will run until Friday 5th December
Class lists will be posted on school noticeboard on Friday 5th September
INDOOR ACTIVITIES - start week beginning Tuesday 16th September and will run until Friday 5th December
Class lists will be posted on school noticeboard on Friday 5th September
Thursday, 4 September 2008
P1 Family Lunch
P1 family lunch tomorrow. P1A 11.30, P1B 11.45 and P1C 12.00. This is a relaxed way to introduce your child to school lunches. Beef casserole, macaroni, carrot cake and custard and melon and grape suprise will be on offer. All welcome. Cost per child £1.75 and adult £2.25.
Please do not leave bikes or scooters in the playground overnight. Several bikes and scooters have been stolen from the playground despite being locked to bike racks and railings. Ifyou are unable to take a bike or scooter home, please speak with the Janitor or Business Manager and they will arrange to put it in a safe place overnight.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Help Wanted
P7 are visiting the Hermitage on Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th September. Adult helpers are needed for this all day trip. If you can help please contact the P7 teachers or staff at reception.
School Lunches
School lunches are ordered on a Thursday for the following week. Cost is £1.75 per day. Monies should be sent to school in an envelope together with a ticked menu sheet. Your child's name and class should be clearly marked. Cheques are payable to City of Edinburgh Council. Menu sheets will be sent home every Wednesday. Week beginning September 8th is Week 1 Menu. If your child is in receipt of free school meals please return a completed menu sheet every Thursday.
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