Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Lost Property

We have lots of jackets, jumpers, lunch boxes etc in lost property. A table will be set up in the playground on Friday 15th.

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Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Learn to ride a Bike

Want to get rid of those stabilisers or just want your child to learn to ride a bike. Check out the link below. A great method for non-cycling adults as well.


Tuesday, 28 April 2009


Is your child starting primary school in August 2009?

Did you make a placing request for a school other than your catchment school?

The placing request process for allocating places is taking longer than anticipated due to teething problems with a new allocation system. Letters confirming whether placing requests have been successful have been delayed. Letters will start to go out later this week with all parents hearing by 15 May whether requests have been successful

We apologise for these delays and are doing everything possible to resolve these problems quickly

More information is available on the council website www.edinburgh.gov.uk
or from your school

Friday, 24 April 2009

Traffic Survey

Thank you for taking part in the survey. The results will be posted as soon as they have been collated. Thank you also to the P7 helpers.

Sent from my BT ToGo
To find out more visit www.bt.com/broadbandanywhere

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Lunch Money

Lunch money due tomorrow (Thursday 23rd) for Week 1 Menu. Please ensure your child's name and class are clearly marked on a sealed envelope

Fruit Group

As many of you are aware, the Fruit Group does a sterling job on Friday mornings. Scrumptious platters of fruit are produced every week. In addition, they provide different fruit/veg. experiences for all the children during health week. The platter of fruit kebabs shown is just one example. Morag Crolla will be meeting the Fruit Group and any interested parents/carers on Friday 24th April at 10.20 in the Conference room. If you are willing to spare a small amount of time during Health Week (w/b 8th June) please come along on Friday.

P5 Scottish Opera - Sands of Time

Performance starts at 2.30 sharp and will last approximately 45 minutes. Parents/carers welcome.

P4 Skiing

P4c skiing Thursday afternoon and P4a & P4b on Friday morning. Please ensure your child wears a long sleeved top/jacket, has gloves and if possible a drink. The bottle/carton should be able to fit in their pocket.

Nearly New Uniform Sale

Friday 1 May
12 noon
in the playground

We would be grateful for any items in good condition that your children have now outgrown (washed & ironed, please!). Kindly hand them in to Angela Christie, conference room, marked ‘Parent Council’.

On the day we will be selling, for the benefit of the school, logo poloshirts £2.50, logo navy crew neck sweatshirts £3, trousers/skirts £1…...
Thank you for any donations
Parent Council

Monday, 9 March 2009

Road Safety

Check out this new Road Safety site



P3A visit to Craigmillar Castle on Wednesday 11th March am.

Keeping Myself Safe

P6 Parent Information evening tonight (Monday) at James Gillespies Primary School 6.30-7.30

Monday, 23 February 2009

Swimming Trials

P6 swimming trials are being held on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning

P4/5 Disco

P4/5 disco on Thursday from 6.30 to 8.00pm in School Hall

Items Wanted

Miss French is looking for working hair dryers for Science lessons. Any donations gratefully received.

Scholastic Book Fair

Following our very successful Book Fair in October we have decided to run another during the week beginning March 23rd. There will be a great variety of books on offer and we hope to put the funds raised towards Teachers' Resource Books as well as reading materials for children. As previously, it will be open during Parent Consultations on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and from 3.20 -4.00pm every afternoon. Each class will have the opportunity to visit the Fair during normal library times. We look forward to enjoying another fabulous Book Fair with you!

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Thank you

Miss French has taken delivery of 10 fabulous new microscopes. These have been funded through ECG fundraising

Thursday, 22 January 2009

P6 Zoo Visit

All three classes are visiting the Zoo on Monday 26th. Please remember to provide your child with a packed lunch and ensure they have warm outdoor clothes.

ECG Minutes

Minutes of Events and Clubs Group Meeting at Sciennes Primary School on Tuesday 13th January 2009 at 7.30 in the Staff Room

Present: June Underwood, Emma Laurenson, Alice Brown, Claire Phillips, Ninette Premdas, Alison Platts, Clem Friend, Gillian Clarkson, Lisa Morgan,
Apologies: Nicki McGregor, Joanna Hinton, Angela Christie, Alison McLeod , Michelle Wilson, Alison Noble,David Wigglesworth

Matters arising from previous minutes:
1. Water polo for P6 and & 7 features on this term’s Active school’s Activities. This follows a commitment after the summer sponsored event to offer more swimming-based activities to pupils. Fun sessions for P3-5 were also discussed and June will follow this up with Angela Christie.
2. Alison Platts has compiled a “wish list “ suggested by staff and circulated to ECG committee. This is helpful for us in deciding where best to use the monies that we raise each year. Since August ’08, some money has been spent on staging for the hall and on cameras.
3. Uniform sale – held last November – this event organised by Anna Paton raised over £300. Thanks to Anna and her team of helpers. June will ask Anna when she plans the next sale.
4. The end of term service at Marchmont St Giles was much enjoyed but it was not possible to invite all parents. Hopefully the McEwan hall will be available next year for this special event.
5. Spree booklets – profit made so far is £350 by selling 58 books with some still not returned. Ian Frazer does not expect any more to be returned now and is happy with that. Mr Frazer was very good at explaining the booklets to the children and had a very positive attitude. June is keen to try this sale again next year but earlier in the autumn term. Of note some people gave donations totalling £50 rather than signing up for the booklet.
6. T towel sales – profit over £100 – thank you to Gillian for coordinating these.
Wine Tasting Follow Up:
This was a lovely event, greatly enjoyed by all who came and many, many thanks to Angela Christie for hosting the evening and for all her hard work with the arrangements. Thank you to the set up team – Angela, Emma, Clem, June, and families. Thank you to David Wigglesworth for organising the raffle and coordinating with David Henderson, Henderson Wines, who provided the wine. Thank you also to the wine servers – Alison Noble, Alison Platts, Alison MacLeod, Nicki McGregor and June Underwood.
The total numbers however were disappointing as we really need nearer to 80 people, rather than mid 40s. We are keen to run the event next year but with different marketing, for example calling the event: ‘Wine by Candlelight’ and by stressing that it is a fun event with a quiz not a serious tasting with a hard sell of wine associated. Committee members will be given a certain number of tickets to sell next year and all involved need to try much harder to sell person to person. The event did however raise over £300.
Christmas Fair Follow Up
Thank you very much to Joanna Hinton who did a fantastic job coordinating the whole event again! The event raised about £3,500. Initially we increased the entry fee, but later in a bid to make the Fair accessible to all, we announced free entry to all children. This proved difficult in terms of tracking how many people attended the Fair and we will address this issue again next year.
Thank you to Michelle Wilson and Emma Laurenson for organising the very successful Silent Auction. Next year we plan to place the auction prizes on the school web site ahead of the fair so that people can look at them in advance and possibly even bid in advance of the fair.
The raffles were also very successful – the hamper raffle needs more raffle tickets next year. It was suggested that we make more hampers with slightly less in each as some were very full.
We could have a childrens’ raffle eg with signed football or similar as a prize. We could also have a childrens’ quiz. These events could take place at the summer fair.
Cash prize raffle – it was suggested that the raffle tickets for this could be sent home ahead of the fair and that they could be specially printed with all details on the tickets. We expect that this would bring in better returns than selling only on the day. This will be looked in to more thoroughly. We may repeat this raffle at the summer fair also.
Other ideas for the Christmas fair include: a beauty salon with nail painting, body art etc, (some of the recent school leavers could return to help with this), games room (successful this time), pocket money stall.
The craft stalls were very busy but it was pointed out that there was a conflict with some crafters selling eg home baking and thus competing with the official home baking stall which did less well this year. Traditionally, crafters have sold home made cards, clothes, jewellery etc. We will look in to this and discuss with Joanna. We should be clearer about which crafts are acceptable.
More help is needed at the end of the fair especially cleaning as this is NOT the janitor’s job. The janitor will move furniture but he is not expected to clean. We may need to bring in hoovers on the day as the school only has one.
Thank you to everyone on the committee who helped make the Christmas Fair a success. We also had many parent volunteers and a number of teachers who made significant contributions.

Ceilidh – Wednesday 28th January 6.30-8pm
June has spoken to the Band, will arrange the dance programme and will call the dances on the night.
Emma will send out letters with tear off slips and will arrange tickets.
It will be the 21st time the band has played and we should acknowledge this with suitable gifts for the band. June may make up a dance on their behalf. It would be good if the children could make a card. Emma will buy gifts - picture frame, Quaich, - suggestions from members welcome.
Maximum number is 200. Prices to stay as last year - £4 adults, £3 children including Highland dance children who must also buy a ticket.
Emma will prepare a shopping list and ask Michelle to consider this on her next Costco visit!
Help on the night:
On the door: Ian Laurenson and Ian Gillies
Refreshments: Emma and Ninette: Set up and 6.30-7.00
Clem and Alison Platts: 7.00-7.30
Volunteers needed for 7.30-8.00 and with clear up

P4/5 – Thursday 26th February P6/7 – Wednesday 4th March
Joanna has booked Norval Barclay again for both discos and he now charges £130 per night, a slight increase from last year.
It was suggested that a letter be sent out which asks for volunteers and also in itself acts as a ticket asking for a £1 payment at the door (this is to simplfy the payment of small amounts in advance). The door person would have a register to mark off names so that uninvited visitors could attend.
Emma will ask Joanna if she is prepared to help/lead on this.
Tap water will be provided this year and fruit and biscuits instead of crisps.

Parents Evenings
Tuesday 24 March, 4-7pm - Ninette will coordinate tea rota
Thursday 26 March 5.30-8.30pm – Emma will coordinate tea rota

Change of name from ECG back to PTA
This was suggested and overall agreed that this would be a good idea as people are much more familiar with the term PTA. June will discuss this at the next school council meeting and see what steps need to be taken.
Next Meeting Tuesday 28th April at 7.30

Friday, 9 January 2009

Bike Checks for New bikes

Friday 16th January
Bike checks for new bikes bought at Christmas or for older bikes in need of an MOT.
Just bring the bike into the playground and the mechanics will do basic checks and help you adjust brakes and tyres.

P5 skiing

Skiing at Hillend starts on Monday 12th for P5B and Friday 16th for P5A and P5C. Please ensure your child has warm clothes and gloves.They will not be allowed to participate without gloves.

On Mondays the bus leaves school after lunch at 12.45 and will return around 3.25-3.30.

On Friday buses will leave at 9.45 and return around 12.25-12.30.

More parent helpers for the Monday afternoon sessions in March would be welcome. Please contact Angela Christie if you can help.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

P6 Health Information Evening

All parents and carers welcome to attend. Being held in school hall at 7pm

ECG Minutes

Minutes of Sciennes School Events and Clubs Group Committee Meeting on Tuesday 28th October 2008 at 7.30pm at Sciennes School

Present: June Underwood, Emma Laurenson, Alice Brown, Claire Phillips, Nicki McGregor, Joanna Hinton, Ninette Premdas, David Wigglesworth, Michelle Wilson, Alison MacLeod, Alison Platts, Gillian Clarkson

Apologies: Alison Noble

Matters Arising
1. Dana Marley is not to be on the ECG committee; clarified by Alice Brown
2. June is to be added as a signatory to the school council bank account but this takes time and will come in to effect from next week. The name for the cheque account is to be changed to ‘Sciennes School Council’. Current signatories are Norman Brown and Alison Platts.
3. Update on the sponsored event
A. A meeting was held on 18th September with Alison Noble, Alice Brown, Gail Logan and members of the sub-committee formed specifically for the event (Lisa, Melanie, Joanna, June).
The group discussed ways to expand swimming at the school and this year P1 and P2 classes will all have swimming lessons for the first time. Angela Christie is to investigate the costs for this. There is a plan to introduce fun swim sessions for P3-5 and water polo for P6-7.
B. Some funds will be spent on tennis classes with Alex Harkins, at the Meadows tennis courts.
4. Staging has been ordered for the hall at approx price £2500. This will benefit the children greatly.
5. Spending Priorities – It would be helpful to plan ahead and to inform parents in advance of the ways in which the ECG plans to use the money raised at fundraising events throughout the year. This was mentioned at the recent School Council Meeting and June asked Alice Brown to follow this up with Alison Noble and to ask the staff for their ‘wish lists’ which might include: sets of novels, more books, Christmas decorations, blinds for the classrooms, computer software (to discuss with Lucy Gallagher), Science lab materials and other sustainable items.

Past events
1. P1 Curriculum evening and new parents evening – this was very successful. Thanks to Emma for buying and setting out the Cheese and Wine and to all helpers on the night.
2. Parents evening teas etc – raised approx £150. Thanks to Emma and Ninette for organising rotas and to everyone who helped out. Thanks to Peter Shaw for making jam which sold very well and for devising our Quiz.

Clubs update
Language clubs – offers have come from people interested in starting clubs for Spanish, German, Chinese. June to discuss availability with Angela Christie.
Hip hop dance has started. Knitting has a suitable room at the top of the school.

Uniform sale 7.11.08
Anna Paton is organising this and Emma will check with her if there are any helpers required.

Wine tasting 7.11.08
Meeting already held with June, David, Emma and Angela. Most issues discussed already.
Emma, June, Clem and Ninette can all help to set up on Friday afternoon, from 2pm
Does gym club need to be cancelled? – June to check with Angela C.
Helpers on the night to serve wine – Alison Noble, Alison Platts, Alison MacLeod and Nicki McGregor (to share one slot!). June will also be available to help
David will sell raffle tickets
Angela C will lead the quiz
David has met with David Henderson who is expected to send information to Angela Christie. £4/head is the price and includes jugs, spittoons, glasses and wine. We will serve tap water.
Emma will coordinate the food – bread, cheese and biscuits. Wicker baskets are needed – June x 3, Joanna x 1, Alison Mac x 2
Prizes for the raffle – please hand any donations in to Angela C.
Poster on school gates to advertise further – Emma will do
We will ask Angela to advertise on the Blog and through the next Sciennes flyer – June to ask Angela
Clear up on Saturday – the janitor will help – other helpers include Emma, June, Clem and some parents bringing children to football training on the meadows.

Christmas Fair – 29.11.08, 2-4pm

· Flyer needs to go out asap – Emma and June will do this – Ninette has last years’ version which can be amended.
· Silent Auction – Emma and Michelle. Emma has already received some gifts both by writing to previous donors and by response from parents. Many more donations needed. The flyer will have further requests for donations of talents by parents.
· Craft stalls – 2 enquiries from interested parties to sell their own crafts for a small fee. Joanna will coordinate this.
· Allocation of Stalls
Silent Auction – Emma
Books etc – June
Baking – Ninette
Toys – Nicki and Alison Macleod
Tombola – Anna
Lucky dip – P7
Teas – Flora, Gillian
Hampers – Alice Brown
Santa grotto – Forrest Howie and Lucy Gallagher
“Floating” Coordinator – Joanna
Fruit Group – Ruth – June will discuss with her
· David is happy to help before and after, but cannot help during the fair
· The flyer must ask for specific helpers for certain stalls including teas.
· Tickets – Alison Platts and Gillian Clarkson will do these
· Magic show – need to discuss with Lisa who volunteered to try to book a magician. Emma will contact Lisa.
Prices agreed as : Magic show £2 each (same for child and adult)
Entry ticket to fair - £2 adult, £1child This will make the ticketing much easier
· Christmas fair to be discussed in assembly and by class teachers to encourage the children.

· Other issues – It may be possible to use another classroom to give more space.
· Other ideas for fair stalls and fundraising may be sought through contacts at other schools.
· Relaxation/massage stall is a new idea which may work – Alison Macleod offered to ask certain parent(s) who may be able to help with this.
· Phoenix trading cards – may be interested in having a stall – Joanna to contact a parent who has done this before.
· Idea of crafts for children to do on the day – again postponed until another time – not feasible to do this at the fair itself.

McEwan Hall event
McEwan Hall is not available for the Christmas concert this year. Other ideas include Festival theatre or Kings theatre but these may be too costly. Marchmont St Giles church is a possibility but this would be for children/staff only as insufficient room for parents as well. Ongoing discussion with Alison Noble.

Possibility of using James Gillespies hall raised previously – this is available only on Monday 26th January 2009 at present for let that week ie no other evening that week (Emma has contacted Jean Gordon at Gillespies). Emma will ask again regarding the following week ie week beginning 2.2.09. Need to discuss this with Angela Christie and with the band for their availability.

Fundraising idea booklet. Discussed and overall agreed to try this. June to meet Ian Frazer with Angela Christie Wednesday 29.10.08. Booklets will be distributed very soon.

T Towels
Gillian Clarkson is coordinating these again for P1
Next meeting - currently due Tuesday 13th January 2009 – this may change to allow Angela Christie to attend the meeting.